Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Memories of Debates Past

During the late 80’s, I was a big fan of Saturday Night Live. Their political sketches in particular were a brilliant commentary of the times. I still vividly recall the debate between George H. Bush and Michael Dukakis. Dana Carey’s portrayal of George Sr. was uncanny and John Lubitz with his deadpan demeanor and bushy eyebrows proved to be a credible Governor Dukakis. As the men took their positions behind their respective podiums, Dukakis began to elevate accompanied by the sound of hydraulics. Unfortunately, he held the switch a little too long and instead of gaining the few inches he required to look his opponent in the eyes, he had acquired the height of an NBA star. Thus, more hydraulics were required to bring him down to the desired height.

As the debate progressed, George Bush repeatedly asked the moderator (Jan Hooks as Diane Sawyer) if his allotted time had expired. Inevitably, George Sr. still had considerable time remaining and was forced to continually repeat the mantra “Stay the course, a thousand points of light” while interlocking his fingers, a gesture his son mimicked at the end of the second debate. After watching the vice-president struggle and wax ineloquently, Mr. Dukakis looked into the camera, shrugged his shoulders and said, “I can’t believe I am losing to this guy.”

I am sure Mr. Kerry looks into the mirror every morning and says the same thing.

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